Synthesis, understood as a desigernly, artistic as well as scientific approach, plays a major role for innovation in many knowledge cultures – be it life sciences, engineering, architecture or not least art and design. The imperative title of the conference »Synthesize!« calls for a consideration of the future of digital media cultures and their artisitic and designerly potentials. The synthesizer therefore serves as a productive model of thought or creative metapher for suggesting the interdisciplinary capability of processes and cultures of synthesis and to reframe them especially from the perspective of an art academy.

The invited contributors present positions from art and design as well as theory and science. They build around the projective, future-oriented character of the concept of synthesis and the questions that go along with it: On what kinds of synthesis are designerly/artistic techniques and practices based on? What forms are imaginable and desirable? And what kinds of interdisciplinary knowledge production could arise from that?

The conference is part of the Strategic Initiative “Digital Campus” of the FHNW. It is realized in cooperation with the Academy of Art and Design, Academy of Music and the School of Engineering of the FHNW and took place during the diploma exhibition of the Academy of Art and Design.

Please visit our video channel in order to watch all the speeches of the “Synthesize!” conference:

For more information please download the pdf-file (program & speakers).

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