In this colloquium with infrastructures, media, art and literature scholar Shannon Mattern, we will discuss various pedagogical strategies, representational techniques, and modeling methods that have been employed to promote “infrastructural intelligence” — and we’ll consider what epistemologies, ontologies, ethics, affects, and politics are embedded in those approaches.

There are three readings we’ve chosen to look over prior to the session:

Typologies of Topologies (+ Hearing and Smelling Infrastructure), Shannon Mattern.

The artist as engineer: we need to talk about infrastructure, Paul Graham Raven, The Guardian (September 4th, 2013)

How to See Infrastructure: A Guide for Seven Billion Primates, Adam Rothstein, Rhizome (July 2, 2015)

And five project/practice references to look at beforehand as well:
Los Angeles Urban Rangers
Unknown Fields
Center for Urban Pedagogy
Center for Land Use Interpretation
Situated Systems

Medialogue is a joint research colloquium of the Institute of Media Studies, University Basel, and the Institute of Experimental Design and Media Cultures, Academy of Art and Design FHNW. Medialogue will serve as a forum of exchange on current issues of media (research) practice, a testing ground for research approaches and hypotheses, and an endeavour to extend the very format of a colloquium. Medialogue as a series will take place at different locations and combine elements like demonstrations, guest lectures, text discussions, and experiments.

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