Colloquium #10 (Spring 2019)

The research colloquium is a bi-weekly discussion session of IXDM researchers and interested guests. Every other Wednesday afternoon we meet in the Critical Media Lab to discuss projects, readings, concepts, and other objects of interest. Each session is prepared with an input by members of IXDM or invited guests to facilitate a conversation. Some sessions are supported with readings and other materials beforehand.

The colloquium is a great format if you want to meet and get to know us better. All are always welcome and there is no need to register.

General notes on the colloquium

Program (February – June)

Detailed information following soon.


If not noted otherwise, 1.5 hour sessions, from 15:00 – 16:30. Every other Wednesday afternoon, at the Critical Media Lab.


For questions regarding the program and opportunities to present in future colloquium seasons do not hesitate to contact Michael Rottmann.

Mailing list

To get subscribed to the colloquium mailing list with reminders and materials for each session please contact Moritz Greiner-Petter.

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