As the first station of his Europe Tour presenting his new book on energy and arts, Douglas Kahn will visit the Critical Media Lab Basel for a whole day and we will have the opportunity to discuss with him. While many scholars focus on energy in the sense of sources and systems of fuel and power generation, Kahn is interested in a comprehensive approach to artistic inquiries on all energies and how they might relate to one another. Amongst other artists we will look at the work of Joyce Hinterding and David Haines.

Douglas Kahn is an historian and theorist of the arts and Professor at the National Institute for Experimental Arts, UNSW Art & Design, University of New South Wales, Sydney. His books include Earth Sound Earth Signal: Energies and Earth Magnitude in the Arts (University of California Press, 2013) and Noise Water Meat: A History of Sound in the Arts (MIT Press, 1999) and he has edited Energies in the Arts (MIT Press, forthcoming).

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