In this year’s last colloquium session, we will once more further our methodological deliberations on the basis of diverse readings taken from three books that form major points of reference for this debate. These books are the Routledge Handbook of Interdisciplinary Research Methods and the volumes Lury, C./Wakeford, N.: Inventive Methods as well as Vannini, P.: Non-representational Methodologies.

Participants will each prepare a selected group of articles from these readers to briefly introduce the concrete method chapters to the others. We will talk about the epistemologies outlined in the introductions as well as the specific examples of methods/approaches/research practices and the meta-level of how they are devised and written in the context of developing a methods book.

If you want to participate in this session and are not yet on the colloquium mailing list, please contact Moritz Greiner-Petter for a link to the respective readings.

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